streets of oslo
- 01.03.2025 / 02.03.2025
- travel photography
- leica d-lux 8
post production
- adobe lightroom
- customized preset for a kodak ektar film look
- customized preset for a cinestill 800 tungsten film look
before covid, i regularly travelled to norway and especially oslo for business reasons. a local project required us to fly there at least once a month. but i never really had the time and opportunity to walk around the city and take pictures for any length of time. the bargain of an airline to use collected bonus points came in handy. we flew in to oslo very early on saturday and enjoyed two full days in the capital.
operahuset exterior ii
deichmanske bibliotek exterior iii
early street cleaning
grünerløkka area v
grünerløkka area vi
astrup fearnley muset ii
deichmanske bibliotek interior
munch museum ii
operahuset exterior v
operahuset exterior vi
safety measures
deichmanske bibliotek interior ii
barcode architecture iii
munch museum
barcode architecture v
oslo from above
grunt vann
barcode architecture
snow wtf
footbridge at the sentralstasjon
barcode architecture vi
deichmanske bibliotek exterior ii
deichmanske bibliotek interior v
operahuset exterior viii
deichmanske bibliotek interior iii
operahuset exterior vii
grünerløkka area
swimming opportunity
barcode architecture vii
barcode architecture iv
munch museum iii
intimate meeting
barcode architecture viii
barcode architecture ii
operahuset exterior iv
grünerløkka area iv
operahuset with lights
operahuset exterior iii
woman on a bridge
no encounter
the sunny and the dark side of life
deichmanske bibliotek interior iv
bright painting
grünerløkka area ii
oslo rådhus
oslo from above ii
oslo from above iii
astrup fearnley muset
grünerløkka area iii
oslo from above iv
operahuset exterior
orange bus station
deichmanske bibliotek exterior