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skopje brutal city walk ix by robert mangelmann | 20230429skopje_363

skopje brutal city walk ix


random brutalist buildings found on a walk through skopje

skopje brutal city walk v by robert mangelmann | 20230429skopje_136

skopje brutal city walk v


random brutalist buildings found on a walk through skopje

skopje brutal city walk vi by robert mangelmann | 20230429skopje_176

skopje brutal city walk vi


random brutalist buildings found on a walk through skopje

skopje brutal city walk vii by robert mangelmann | 20230429skopje_252

skopje brutal city walk vii


random brutalist buildings found on a walk through skopje

skopje brutal city walk viii by robert mangelmann | 20230429skopje_272

skopje brutal city walk viii


random brutalist buildings found on a walk through skopje

skopje brutal city walk x by robert mangelmann | 20230429skopje_367

skopje brutal city walk x


random brutalist buildings found on a walk through skopje

skopje brutal city walk xi by robert mangelmann | 20230429skopje_379

skopje brutal city walk xi


random brutalist buildings found on a walk through skopje

skopje brutal city walk xii by robert mangelmann | 20230429skopje_386

skopje brutal city walk xii


random brutalist buildings found on a walk through skopje

skopje brutal city walk xiii by robert mangelmann | 20230430skopje_005

skopje brutal city walk xiii


random brutalist buildings found on a walk through skopje

skopje brutal city walk xiv by robert mangelmann | 20230430skopje_011

skopje brutal city walk xiv


random brutalist buildings found on a walk through skopje

skopje brutal city walk xv by robert mangelmann | 20230430skopje_133

skopje brutal city walk xv


random brutalist buildings found on a walk through skopje

skopje central railway station by robert mangelmann | 20230429skopje_275

skopje central railway station


the central railway station of skopje

skopje post office by robert mangelmann | 20230430skopje_017

skopje post office


the post office of skopje – an iconic building of brutalist architecture

skopje post office ii by robert mangelmann | 20230430skopje_021

skopje post office ii


the post office of skopje – an iconic building of brutalist architecture

skopje post office iii by robert mangelmann | 20230430skopje_030

skopje post office iii


the post office of skopje – an iconic building of brutalist architecture

skopje post office iv by robert mangelmann | 20230430skopje_050

skopje post office iv


the post office of skopje – an iconic building of brutalist architecture

skopje post office v by robert mangelmann | 20230430skopje_055

skopje post office v


the post office of skopje – an iconic building of brutalist architecture

skopje post office vi by robert mangelmann | 20230430skopje_090

skopje post office vi


the post office of skopje – an iconic building of brutalist architecture

sky sundowner party by robert mangelmann | 20221125paris_082

sky sundowner party


people on the observation deck of tour montparnasse during sunset

20231129tokyo_096 by Robert Mangelmann.

skyline reflections


a somehow artistic illustration of the skyline with reflections of baloons in shibuya sky

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