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steaming street by robert mangelmann | 20220707nyc_036

smoking street


steam from a pipe on a street in new york

soho shop by robert mangelmann | 20220706nyc_158

soho shop


a shop in soho new york city with persons walking by

sompo japan building by robert mangelmann | 20231124tokyo_0113

sompo japan building


the sompo japan building aka atari building in a long time exposure with light trails of the traffic

sompo japan building (zoom burst) by robert mangelmann | 20231124tokyo_0117

sompo japan building (zoom burst)


the sompo japan building aka atari building as a zoom burst

st.john’s beacon by robert mangelmann | 20230520liverpool_006_article

st.john’s beacon


st.john’s beacon in liverpool

strapack by robert mangelmann | 20231128tokyo_314



a strapack ad on a house in between some skyscrapers

street maze by robert mangelmann | 20231128tokyo_175

street maze


construction work on a street in minato

street poetry by robert mangelmann | 20220705nyc_025

street poetry


a poem on the street

street skaters by robert mangelmann | 20220705nyc_022

street skaters


skaters in the streets of new york city

street workout by robert mangelmann | 20231124tokyo_0744

street workout


a group of young people on a street with one guy who trains with dumbbells

strip live theater by robert mangelmann | 20231124tokyo_1152

strip live theater


the illuminated sign of strip live theater in shibuya

sumida river banks by robert mangelmann | 20231121toyko_056

sumida river banks


sumida river with the asashi headquarter on a bright sunny day

sunrise in the alps by robert mangelmann | 20220809kals_002

sunrise in the alps


a sunrise in the alps in kals / austria

sunset at plage bellevue by robert mangelmann | 20230907bretagne_106

sunset at plage bellevue


the sunset at plage bellevue near lermot in brittany

sunset at plage bellevue ii by robert mangelmann | 20230907bretagne_106

sunset at plage bellevue ii


the sunset at plage bellevue near lermot in brittany

sunset at plage de keriec by robert mangelmann | 20230908bretagne_104

sunset at plage de keriec


the sunset at plage de keriec near kermarquer in brittany

sunset over oshiage by robert mangelmann | 20231121toyko_080

sunset over oshiage


oshiage from the rooftop of the one@tokyo hotel during sunset

sunset rave by robert mangelmann | 20231129tokyo_128

sunset rave


visitors of shibuya sky during sunset

sunset rave ii by robert mangelmann | 20231129tokyo_133

sunset rave ii


visitors of shibuya sky during sunset

swimming at port blanc plage by robert mangelmann | 20230908bretagne_032

swimming at port blanc plage


the view of the plage with a lady in the ocean in port blanc/brittany taken during a short stop during the roadtrip

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