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abbaye du mont-saint-michel by robert mangelmann | 20230907bretagne_010

abbaye du mont-saint-michel


a man walking towards abbaye du mont-saint-michel at the north coast of france

above the rooftops of hamburg by robert mangelmann | 20220424hamburg_070

above the rooftops of hamburg


the rooftops of hamburg taken from the elbphilharmonie

akihabara street by robert mangelmann | 20231122tokyo_219

akihabara street


a street scene in akihabara during sunset

alien alley by robert mangelmann | 20231124tokyo_0963

alien alley


a green illuminated alley forms the frame for the portrait of a person

alley of the unknown by robert mangelmann | 20231122tokyo_205

alley of the unknown


a deserted alley in downtown tokyo

antwerp harbour by robert mangelmann | 20220514antwerpen_070

antwerp harbour


a random building in the harbour of antwerp

antwerp harbour ii by robert mangelmann | 20220514antwerpen_130

antwerp harbour ii


buildings in the harbour of antwerp

antwerp harbour iii by robert mangelmann | 20220514antwerpen_236

antwerp harbour iii


a ship in the harbour of antwerp

antwerp harbour iv by robert mangelmann | 20220514antwerpen_256

antwerp harbour iv


a ship in the harbour of antwerp

antwerp harbour v by robert mangelmann | 20220514antwerpen_273

antwerp harbour v


a ship in the harbour of antwerp

antwerp harbour vi by robert mangelmann | 20220514antwerpen_316

antwerp harbour vi


buildings in the harbour of antwerp

antwerp harbour vii by robert mangelmann | 20220514antwerpen_390

antwerp harbour vii


a building in the harbour of antwerp

arne jacobsen hotel room by robert mangelmann | 20220521kopenhagen_091

arne jacobsen hotel room


room 606 at the former sas royal hotel designed by arne jacobsen

bad feeling by robert mangelmann | 20231127tokyo_446

bad feeling


a plane crosses skyscrapers in tokyo

balcony spectators by robert mangelmann | 20220423hamburg_056

balcony spectators


persons watching from a balcony in the hafencity area of hamburg

beer delivery day by robert mangelmann | 20230518manchester_076

beer delivery day


a random street in manchester with a beer delivery

biking shibuya crossing by robert mangelmann | 20231124tokyo_1118

biking shibuya crossing


a guy with his bike waiting to cross shibuya crossing

binic plage dogwalk by robert mangelmann | 20230908bretagne_006

binic plage dogwalk


a man walking with his dog at the plage in binic/brittany in the early morning

breakfast wine by robert mangelmann | 20221228istrien_051

breakfast wine


the elder men sitting in a cafe in fazana / croatia drinking a wine for breakfast

bridgewatcher by robert mangelmann | 20230429skopje_163



two ladies sitting on a bench in skopje watching people walking over a bridge

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